Melissa here. I can't upload a blog post from school because I can't even get to the right website for some reason, so I am going to post this later. I'm sitting in my classroom now, chilling out and about to attempt to drink some coffee. Aaron keeps trying to get me to drink it. Actually most Koreans do too; I guess they really like coffee here. Or at least what passes for Korean coffee. It's all instant. I found several different kinds of instant coffee in my classroom and one claimed to be mocha, so I'm going to try it. It's too hot to drink right now though.
My school is pretty nice. It's a vocational high school, so most of the students won't go on to college, but I am told that they are trying to change that. I teach 1st and 2nd graders (they are equivalent to sophomores and juniors here) so as expected, the 1st graders are extremely shy and quiet, while the 2nd graders are quite a bit more loud.
Some of the boys are really bad. I prepared a slideshow with pictures to introduce myself, and let them ask questions. One of the boys asked how my wedding night was! I told him it was none of his business. I also had one of the boys today ask me who was the most handsome in his class. They are so funny. They all make gasping noises when I show the photo of my mom. "What is her secret?!" They say. Very cute.
My room is very plain right now, so I won't bother posting pictures. Once I get some english posters and maps and stuff up on the walls, I will let you all see what it looks like. My school is FREEZING, but luckily, there is a heater in my room that I have turned on all day long. (They are probably going to hate me for running up the electric bill) And they also gave me a space heater to put next to my desk. Let's just say that I rarely venture outside my room because it's so cold in the halls.
I discovered that my school also has the squatting toilets. BUT! in the girl's bathroom on the second floor, there is a real toilet in one of the stalls. However, nowhere could I find a piece of toilet paper. I'm going to have to bring my own.
Our lunches are also pretty good. Well, I've actually only eaten one so far, but it was bulgogi, which is my favorite Korean food (out of the maybe 5 things I've eaten!). There was also some kimchi soup with pieces of sausage (maybe?) in it which was really spicy but good, and some fried seaweed that I LOVED. They put some on my tray and I thought "oh man, I'll just eat a bit to be polite" but it was great. Its nice to get to practice my chopstick skills. They are not perfect, but they are better than Aaron's!
When you can eat a bowl of rice with chopsticks, you'll have caught up to me.
ReplyDeleteSo.... Unless I missed it somewhere, I don't think you guys mentioned how the cats are doing. Are they ok after the flight, and how are they acclimating to the new place??