Argh, I have fallen under the influence of a nasty cold. It is snot cool. :D See what I did there? Okay, yes it was lame.
Anyway, the weekend was rather low-key. We went out Friday and I have a couple pictures to share. More on that in a bit. Saturday I woke up feeling quite shite. So, we stayed in most of the day. We ventured forth to find a pharmacy and medicine. Sunday we just stayed in. As such, I have very little of interest to share. However, I do have a bunch of pictures. I've saved up some random pictures over the past couple weeks and I also have some from our Friday night out. So, today's post will just be a pic post featuring a little Aaron babble after each. If the post is not to your liking, well, I guess that's just too bad ;)
**Melissa here. Aaron failed miserably at getting things correct in this post so I am fixing them. And doing so in a way that lets you know EXACTLY how much he screwed up. Because it is funny!**

Okay, that there is a Hite "Pitcher". A pitcher is 1600ml for anywhere from 2500w to 4000w depending on where you buy it. So just how much is 1600ml? It's a little over 54 ounces. So, all you 40 drinkers? I will now refer to you as light-weights :D Most of the koreans beers are available in this size. It's also cheapest to buy beer in this size rather than to buy like a one liter (1000ml) or such. There are bottles and cans that appear to be 12 ounces, like most American beer packaging. Through some oddity of fate, it is more expensive to buy beer in a can than to buy it in a glass bottle. That's okay though, I always feel scummy drinking beer in a can. I much prefer a bottle if at all possible.

So, here's a random shot of Ampersand being kind cute. He was probably pining for belly rubs.

Ah, I tried for a better shot. Looks like I got a worse one instead. The monkey pajamas is me. Mel's in the strippy ones.

Okay, here's an exausted Lola. This is probably due to being a holy terror all night long.
**Yes, the cats are SO bad at night. This has caused me to lock them up all night which makes me their prime target for the next morning in the form of "oh I haven't seen you in forever, Mom, let's cuddle!" when I'm trying to get ready for work. Of course I am the only one to be kept awake by their antics as Aaron sleeps like a dead rock. Yes, a dead one.**

Okay, please direct your eyes to that black machine in the upper middle of the picture. For quite some time we were under the impression that this was a toaster oven. Everything on the front is in korean, so we put learning to use it on our list of "things to do eventually". However, upon examining some fine script in the upper left corner, Mel discovered that this is actually a UV Dish Sanitizer. Or, as we like to call it: the box we put our bread in. We had some garlic in there too, but that just created a really bad garlic stench that seeped into our bread.
**It's actually the lower left corner, but I'll forgive this one.**

Another random shot of Song-ri. This is where I catch the bus. On the left is a little market I've never been in. In the background you can see a little green house. If you click the picture and make it nice and big you may just be able to make out the free range chickens :)
**I am pretty sure this picture or one similar to it has already been posted...**

This was dinner one night. There's yellow pepper, onion, egg, and Dok. Dok is a chewy rice thing-a-ma-bob. It's pretty good and takes on the flavor of whatever you cook it with. It's 10 zillion times better than tofu. The texture is actually pleasing instead of revulsive.
**I am still not convinced it is called "dok" because every time I say that word to a Korean they have no idea what I'm talking about. Also I think he meant "revolting" instead of the non-word "revulsive".**

Ah, this is the sign for the bar we went to on Friday. The bar is called Time After Time. I'm sure you've noticed the Bart Simpson with a beer mug logo. Well, here in Korea people care very little for copyrights, trademarks, and the like. So often they freely rip off the rest of the world. It's especially common in the (korean) music industry.
**This bar was actually named Time to Time, and NOT after some cheesy 80's song.**

This is Mel
really enjoying her beer.

This is me more stoically enjoying mine. This shot also gives a look at the interior of Time After Time. The boothes were nice and comfy.

My Black Beer Stout came with a little napkin klan hat. We did not produce said hat. This hat came with the beer. We found that to be hilarious. A "black" beer with a klan looking hat. Too much? Did I need to actually point out the funny? Okay, next time I'll let the picture speak for itself.

Mel sucks at taking pictures. I do not believe she intended to photograph her knees.
**These are actually Aaron's knees. And HE is the one that sucked at taking this picture.**

Again, Mel tries to use the camera only to amuse us all with failure.
**This was not entirely my fault; using the "night" feature on the camera causes a longer exposure time and I moved the camera before it finished taking the picture.**

In retrospect, this picture turned out to be not nearly as amusing as I expected. Maybe for you it is funny, but for me I just looked mentally disabled.
**The President had to apologize for his insult to disabled people; I think Aaron should as well.**

Mel wears the hat.

Mel's Soju wears the hat.
**The V is for Victory.**

Ah, the work of the sign ninja. Throughout the day and into the evening sign ninjas flit about apartment buildings leaving adverts on all the doors. I've never seen one of these sign ninjas, hence the
Lola tried to stay up too long and is actually falling off the arm of the sofa in her exhaustion.

Another dinner. Looks like some Dok, onion, and beef. This was served over rice. Oh and there was a chili sauce on everything.
**So sue me, I can't cook anything else but this hodge-podge of food. Aaron never makes dinner so he is stuck eating whatever I throw together.**

Hey, look! It's the chili sauce.

I don't know why, but Mel took a picture of our rice cooker. So, here it is. I'm just putting up every picture that you guys haven't seen. So, look at our rice cooker. Nice, ay?
**I took a picture of this because it's cute and I love it. This saves me from having to make rice in a pot which I simply cannot do. Really, I can't. Laurie can vouch for this fact.**

Hmm... this picture might have been intended to go along with a Mel rant about too little counter space. See that bit in front of the rice cooker? That's pretty much it.
**Actually, he was right on this one. Look at this lack of counter space!! Awful.**

Ah, Soju, Cider, and lime juice. Cider is akin to Sprite. I've previously mentioned the SoCo (Soju and Coke). It's also common to mix Soju and Cider. Lime juice is one of Mel's personal touches.

I was sick. This is pretty much how I spent Saturday and Sunday. I played some games and would pass out randomly when I got super tired. No alcohols was involved just a lot of snot.
**I'm sure he didn't mean to put the plural on the word alcohol. While we may speak like Lolcats, I would at least like to keep my writing free of such nonsense.**
Well, that's the lot of them. Hope you enjoyed the pics and we'll work on some more entertaining ones for future posts.
**No I won't.**
I enjoyed this post. There is a decent number of pictures and Aaron was made fun of. I can't really ask for more than that. Maybe a few more cat pictures.
ReplyDeletePerhaps the cat pictures should have funny captions as well? ;)
ReplyDeleteSure if you have the time then by all means caption away. :-p
ReplyDeleteWow, what is going on with the scary face reflecting on the left hand side of your UV dish sanitizer? It is a bit creepy with those teeth.
ReplyDeleteOh great, we're haunted! DAMMIT! :D
ReplyDeleteActually you can only see said funny face in the small picture. A weird optical illusion for sure.