Thursday, March 5, 2009

Finally... more pictures!

This is just a random outside picture from my english room. I wanted to get more, but the weather was not very nice that day. If I get the chance today I'll go out and take some more.

This is a picture of my english room. It has several areas for role-playing. In the center, at the back, you can see the bakery area. Left of that is the department store area.

Here we have (left to right) post office, bank, and the department store (again). There's lots of little items in the stores to "buy". There's a mail box in the post office and a safe in the bank. It's quite cute.

This is the front of my room. My desk is over on the left. Please not the monitor on my desk. It is not a tiny monitor. I think it's like a normal 17 inch. Now direct your attention to that massive tv on the right.... crazy, huh?! That thing is connected to the computer for power points and the like. I thinking it would make for really fun video gaming. Perhaps I'll convince Il-kyu we need an after school video game class :D

This is the old desk that was left behind. It was small and not very nice. However, it held our laptop quite nicely. We were happy with it even if it was not asthetically pleasing.

This is what Il-kyu got us. IT'S HUGE! I love it. It looks really nice with the couch he had sent. For those of you how've seen my laptop in person, you can see how big it looks when compared with this desk. I'm hoping he sends us an equally huge tv that I can put on the right part of the desk. If not (a huge tv), then when we eventually buy one, that's where it will go. They're like 800,000w here. Remeber that counts as like $800 in won. If you want to go ahead and do the conversion, (we might buy one with US dollars savings), then it's something like $550. Crazy, ay?

This is a random picture of Ampersand. He is laying on a comforter we found in the closet. We washed it and it's drying on the clothes drying rack. There is no dryer here.

Okay, that's the pics for now. I have a very light day for classes, so I'll probably try to write more while I'm at school.


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